Regional Conventions will be benefited only when autonomy is granted to the Conventions to implement their own programs under their jurisdiction and permission is granted to maintain its relationship with the Board of International Ministries and Baptist Council of World Mission after the achievement of their internal relationship.
Therefore, in order to make the regional autonomy proactive and to strengthen further the cooperation, in the Constitution of CBCNEI the privilege of permanent membership has been given in the General Assembly of the CBCNEI to the Executive Committee to represent in its Nomination Committee and CBNCEI Board on behalf of the regional conventions.
Just as by the collection of Baptist churches the Baptist Associations have been formed, so also through Baptist Associations the Convention has been formed. Therefore the name of this organization shall be “Assam Baptist Convention”. The owner of all movable and immovable properties of this Convention shall be the organizations and institutions under this Convention.
The aims and objectives of the Assam Baptist Convention shall be to attempt to achieve the following for the Baptist Associations of both north and south banks of the Brahmaputra River:
As the Assam Baptist Convention is the recognized body of the CBCNEI, the Assam Baptist Convention will maintain good relationship and cooperation in all direction with the following organizations and institutions :
The following organizations will receive the membership of the Convention:
The delegates shall attend the annual General Assembly of the Convention as per the list below:
The following persons will not be considered for the posts of President and Vice-President of the A.B.C. :
Minutes Secretary
Assistant Minutes Secretary
The Executive Committee shall be constituted by the following members :